perm filename SYSTEM.TRO[RDG,DBL] blob sn#667997 filedate 1982-07-23 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
22-Jul-80 12:51:56-PDT,00000000790;000000000001
Date: 22 Jul 1980 1251-PDT
Subject: Explain this, please:
To: admin.mrc
cc: csd.greiner

I performed an "EXEC" from LISP, which essentially does a PUSH. In that mode,
I did a few random things -- such as ATTACHing to another terminal, and doing
a DIR or two. When I then tried to POP back into LISP, I got a "?No higher 
command level" error message. I then tried to "CONT", which I ↑C-ed out of after
a minute or two. I then typed "PO", and ended up back in LISP, as I expected.
	2nd question: I tried to SEND this message to you a moment ago.
Only after I'd typed it all in did the SENDer inform me you weren't logged in.
Did that just-typed text get stored in some file? I.e. did I really have to
type this all over again?
	Thanks,		Russ
22-Jul-80 17:25:37-PDT,00001621;000000000001
Date: 22 Jul 1980 1725-PDT
From: Admin.MRC
Subject: Re: Explain this, please:
In-Reply-To: Your message of 22-Jul-80 1251-PDT

    Subject: Explain this, please:

    I performed an "EXEC" from LISP, which essentially does a PUSH.
    In that mode, I did a few random things -- such as ATTACHing to
    another terminal, and doing a DIR or two. When I then tried to
    POP back into LISP, I got a "?No higher command level" error
    message. I then tried to "CONT", which I ↑C-ed out of after a
    minute or two. I then typed "PO", and ended up back in LISP, as I
    expected.  Why?
When you ATTACH a job to another terminal, a ↑C interrupt is given
to the highest level process.  Hence, you were at your top level
EXEC.  CONTINUEing continued all of your inferior processes back
to the level where you were at before, ie your LISP and the
LISP-inferior EXEC both got continued.

    	2nd question: I tried to SEND this message to you a
    moment ago.  Only after I'd typed it all in did the SENDer inform
    me you weren't logged in.  Did that just-typed text get stored in
    some file? I.e. did I really have to type this all over again?
The SEND command is merely the local version of the more general
network send facility.  For local sends, SEND merely verifies
that the user exists, not whether or not s/he is logged in.  No,
the typed-in text doesn't get stored in a file in this case.  A
successfully delivered SEND is left in the recipient's directory
as SENDS.TXT.  It was not intended that SEND be used for long
18-Aug-80 18:16:14-PDT,00000000383;000000000001
Date: 18 Aug 1980 1816-PDT
Subject: <3scratch>demo.exe
To: csd.greiner

I moved it to your directory, you had enough space. I couldn't get it to
go away, you might ask mrc to get rid of it, but it should go away when
the system goes down.... The problem seems to be that it is open, but
no job on the system has it open that I could find.

18-Aug-80 18:19:45-PDT,000000288;000000000001
Date: 18 Aug 1980 1819-PDT
Subject: <csd.ia>
To: csd.greiner

The directory seems confused, i dis claims that there are 1047 assigned
pages, but dir can only find 648 or so, just what you'd expect if
demo.exe.2 had been expunged. Oh well, sigh.

 6-Sep-80 18:40:34-PDT,0000385;000000000001
Date:  6 Sep 1980 1840-PDT
Subject: That obnoxious file
To: csd.freeman, clayton at SUMEX-AIM
cc: csd.greiner

Remember that file we couldn't get rid of, littering <CSD.IA>?
Turns out the way to destroy it is by 

 - the PURGE part expunges non-existent files which are not now opened.
(This bit of info courtesy ADMIN.MRC.)
19-Feb-81 23:35:30-PST,0000000622;000000000001
Date: 19 Feb 1981 2335-PST
From: tom spencer <CSD.SPENCER>
Subject: load number
To: csd.greiner
cc: csd.spencer

	I talked with Doug Appelt and J. Q. Johnson about the discrepency.
It seems that (1) Interlisp does its own load check processing and (2)
there are several load checks possible.  These include system load and
class load and several possible time frames.  Typing ∀ to the exec
gives the 1 minute class load average.  Typing it to emacs gives a system-
wide load average.  Doug could find out exactly what INTERLISP does, but
it would take some time.  I did not ask him to do it.